Press & Blog

Time to fill the stockings

Time to fill the stockings

Well, now that we're into December and many of us are nearing the sweet end of our Christmas shopping, it's about time to start finishing it off with the fun little bits. This is possibly our favourite part of the whole experience, finding mini treats that we really don't need but know will be fun to have. Because the best things come...

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Gifts for kids & teens

Gifts for kids & teens

First of all, happy December! Can you believe we've finally reached the countdown to Christmas? We certainly can't. But the decs are up, the festive fun things are in full swing, and so is the shopping. So with that being said, let's get stuck into our next gift guide, shall we? This weeks guide is for little ones as well as not-so-little...

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Gifts for him

Gifts for him

In the second blog post in our series of gift guides for Christmas 2023, we're tackling all things men. This often feels like a daunting task for many of us, as so many men can feel impossibly hard to buy for. Sound familiar? Yes, we thought that might be the case. So perhaps this gift guide could provide a bit...

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Gifts for her

Gifts for her

As a female-run business, we feel we’ve got a lot of brilliant gifts for gals. Be it your mum, sister, daughter or friend, we’re sure we’ll have something to suit the wonderful women in your life. So let’s get started, here’s our top 5 gifts for her, plus some extras along the way. There are those who are obsessed, and...

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Gifts under £20

Gifts under £20

We don't know about you, but to us it feels like Christmas shopping is in full swing. Maybe not for everyone just yet, but for many it seems that starting earlier and spreading out the cost a little has been the way to go this year, along with an increase in bargain hunting. Well, why not? We may as well...

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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

So here we are, November. Isn't it funny how we get so excited for the spookiness of Halloween and yet the scariest thing about it is that the next day we enter November? But, as scary as it is, there is one very joyful thing about this month. Things start to feel a whole lot more festive. We're already pretty...

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