Daisy Park store in South Molton a year old

Daisy Park store in South Molton a year old


Time flies when you're having fun and what fun we've had in our 1st year in store.  We opened our little shop just over a year ago now, fearful of the unknown, will customers come in, will they like the products, will they like us, etc. etc? So many worries but so many happy and exciting times have happened over the year.

We have fab regular customers, new customers, tourists, friends and family and occasionally the odd Basset hound or Beagle comes popping in with it's owner behind.  Everyone is welcome, 2 legs, 3 or 4. We even had a butterfly visit us the other day just to say hi, she didn't buy anything but said she would be back as it's her friends birthday soon.

We gave the front a brand new lick of paint (well David did, I just provided tea and kit kats and said you missed a bit a lot) and we are planning to give the inside a tidy too.

I'm still loving it and we now send all of our lovely parcels from the shop which makes life so much easier at Daisy Park.

So if you are ever in the area please pop in and say hi we'd be more than happy to see you.

Love Em & David xx
